In a recent New York Times interview, Daniel Dennet, philosophy professor and one of the “four horsemen” of the New Atheists, talks about the secrets to his happy life. “There are no metaphysical mysteries at the heart of human existence, no magic nor God that makes us who we are. Instead, it’s science and Darwinian evolution all the way down.”
Dennet wants people to know what a meaningful happy life he has lived due to his embrace of atheism and evolution. Dennet says his has been a life of rational enquiry. “You don’t get to play the faith card.” Religious people live their entire lives devoted to an illusion.
In explaining his happy life Dennet left out a few things so I will help him add to his list of reasons for his happy life.
Daniel Dennet was born smack dab in the middle of Christian culture, the greatest culture that has ever existed on earth. It was built by believers in God and followers of Jesus Christ, many of whom suffered and died for their faith.
He enjoys the richest material lifestyle of any human who has ever lived—thanks to the free market capitalism created by Christian culture.
He has the benefit of the enormous scientific and technological revolutions—created by the theological assumptions of Christianity.
He enjoys world class medical care because he lives in a culture that created hospitals, ministries of compassion, and the commitment to care for the needs of the body.
His has been an outstanding education—created by the commitment to learning in Christian culture—a commitment that has existed nowhere else in the history of the world.
He apparently has enjoyed his family life—a family structure decreed by Christian culture.
And, for goodness sakes, he has lived the cushy life of a university professor—an institution invented by Christianity a thousand years ago.
The biggest mistake of Dennet’s life is his unwillingness to thank God for the innumerable blessings he enjoys. He fits perfectly Paul’s description in Romans 1:21 of the man who, although he knew God, did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but became futile in his thinking, and his foolish heart was darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, he became a fool instead.
I have noticed that the New Atheists have different academic specialties—Dennet’s is epistemology, for Richard Dawkins it’s paleontology. But these men know nothing about culture. They show not the slightest appreciation for the culture that has given them everything, or for the people who made that culture possible.
If I could speak directly to Professor Dennet, I would tell him it is not too late. Jesus Christ will still receive you. Bow before Him and ask forgiveness for your sins and ask Him to be Lord of what little is left of your life. And He will welcome you into His presence for eternity.
Thanks for listening. May the true God of the Bible bless you mightily.
More: The interview with Dennet in the Times(probably behind their paywall):
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