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Defending the Doctrine of Hell

Phil Mitchell • April 22, 2023

Five Reasons the Christian Believes in the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment

Doctrinus Horribilus: Defending the Biblical Doctrine of Hell

One of Christianity’s most criticized beliefs is the doctrine of hell. I read that the great quarterback Aaron Rodgers, who grew up in a Christian home, walked away from the faith because of the doctrine of hell. He’s not the first. The most famous preacher in America in the 1930s was Harry Emerson Fosdick, pulpiteer of Riverside Church in New York City. He, too, had abandoned biblical Christianity and became a champion of theological liberalism because of the doctrine of hell. Many religious leaders in that day told the same story.

Twenty years ago Rob Bell, pastor of a large evangelical church in Michigan, wrote Love Wins, a book that suggests we should be open to universalism—the doctrine that no one goes to hell but that everyone is eventually saved and goes to heaven.

Entire denominations have rejected the doctrine. I remember sitting with a Seventh Day Adventist pastor, with whom I had excellent fellowship, who told me a turning point in his life came when he rejected the doctrine of hell and embraced the Adventist doctrine of soul sleep. That upon death the individual ceases to be conscious. Then at the last judgment the wicked dead are raised, judged, and annihilated—they cease to exist. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons hold similar views.

More than a hundred years ago Protestant liberal theology rejected the doctrine of eternal punishment so most people in mainline denominations do not believe in it. But I want to give you five reasons why as a Christian we believe that those who do not trust Christ as Savior, spend eternity in hell.

Reason number one, the Bible clearly teaches it. In Matthew 10:28 Jesus tells us not to fear the one who can only kill our body, but to fear the one who can cast both body and soul into hell. Jesus uses the word approximately a dozen times in the Gospels. And it is clear that He is teaching us that hell is a real place, that it is eternal, and that it ‘s bad.

The great Baptist preacher Vance Havner tells this story: “An infidel in my church came up to me after a service and said, ‘I don’t like all this preaching about hell. I want to hear more of the meek and lowly Jesus.’” Havner said to the man, “Why my friend, most of what I know about hell I learned from the meek and lowly Jesus.” We believe in hell because Jesus did.

Other New Testament writers make reference to hell and the doctrine of eternal punishment. 2 Peter 2:4 speaks of rebellious angels being cast into hell, and Revelation 20 says that’s where Satan, his angels, and the wicked dead will end up.

If one denies the existence of hell he is also denying the authority of Scripture.

Second, we believe in hell because if there is no hell and eternal punishment there is no justice. When I was studying World War 2 I read about the mass murder of Jews in Ukraine at Babi Yar and I remember saying to myself, “There’s a devil.” That’s the only explanation for such an atrocity. Then as I further studied the war I read about Adolph Hitler putting a gun in his mouth and committing suicide in the spring of 1945. And I remember saying myself, “If Hitler didn’t go to hell there is no justice.” How is it fair for him to simply cease to exist after all the suffering and death he had caused? The Bible makes clear that men will face the wrath and judgement of God for their sins because it’s fair. It’s just. There has to be a hell for God to be just.

Third, what is God to do with the people who refuse to go to heaven? There are millions of people who hate God and don’t want to be anywhere near Him, now or in eternity. If the Bible is right and we continue to exist after death, where do you put these people?

Fourth, the doctrine of hell motivates people to get right with God. Christianity has often been criticized for this—even by Christians. Somehow it is an impure motive to receive Christ as Savior in order to avoid the wrath of God and eternal damnation. When I was a youth this was called using Christianity as fire insurance. But’s wrong with it? We are all motivated continually by the threat of punishment. Children obey their dad because they know if they don’t they face his wrath. Do you know children that aren’t punished and hence unleash a reign of terror on every one they are around? They need that threat. The threat of punishment keeps me from speeding. It makes our highways safer and heaven knows that’s something we need. If a person trusts Christ to avoid hell that means they have admitted they are a sinner in need of the grace of God. And that’s the absolute first step in the Christian walk. So, no, there is nothing wrong with the doctrine of hell in motivating people to avoid it.

Fifth, denying the existence of something does not make it go away. There is a whole school of thought that denies the Holocaust because it is so unpleasant. But that does not change the fact that the social Darwinists murdered 6 million Jews during World War 2 in order to purify the race. Denial is an understandable but idiotic response to unpleasant events. How many times I have seen students deny a Christian doctrine because they didn’t like it. As though their opinion matters. Doctrines do not rise or fall because of one’s sentiments. They rest on hard truth. Hell is hard truth. But it is truth nonetheless.

I hope this short analysis has been helpful. I pray we will be faithful to the Bible and the truth it teaches.

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