Five lessons from the Roe-Wade decision:
Yesterday the United States Supreme Court overturned the Roe-Wade abortion decision of 49 years ago. I never thought I would live to see it. I think there is a lot for us to learn from this decision. Here are five lessons:
1. God is still in control of the affairs of men. In Psalm 2 we read that God looks down at all our deliberations and laughs at them. Then He speaks in His wrath. The Psalmist warns all mankind to make their peace with God while there is still time. He advises, Kiss the Son lest He be angry. The influence of our Lord Jesus Christ on our culture is still mighty and powerful. All six members of the Supreme Court who voted to strike down Roe were primarily motivated by their Christian faith. All of them.
2. Things change. When we look at the decline of Christian culture in America we tend to despair and feel that the decline is permanent. Irreversible. But it is not. America was probably at its lowest ebb spiritually in the 1790s. Then the Holy Spirit breathed a powerful revival that changed everything. That can happen again and I am confident it will. Remember that a generation from now the number of children born to Christian and conservative families will vastly outnumber those born to unbelievers.
3. Do not give up. Remember Gal. 6:9: “Do not be weary in well-doing knowing that in due season you will reap if you do not faint.” William Wilberforce labored more than 30 years as a member of parliament to get the slave trade abolished. But at the end of his life, in 1808, he was successful. When parliament handed down its final vote abolishing the trade its members stood and applauded the aging Wilberforce. Christians must practice perseverance and patience in all things and always take the long view.
4. Practically there will still be a large number of abortions in America. Nineteen states currently have very liberal abortion laws on their books that will now go into effect. That brings us to…
5. The battle is still ultimately for the human heart. The problem with abortion is the ungodly belief that liquidating your child solves your problems. We need to persuade them that it does not. Alexandra Desanctis recently wrote in National Review: “The pro-life movement must work to make abortion not only illegal but also unthinkable.” We must continue our pro-life work. Caring Pregnancy centers and their like are more important than ever. The preaching from our pulpits, the lobbying by individual Christians, the willingness to take in the pregnant woman who has few options; all these are crucial steps that we must continue to take on behalf of the unborn. That Christians don’t care about babies after they are born has always been a lie and a smear tactic of the Left. We must continue to prove them wrong in our everyday actions. In the end, it is important for a pregnant mother to give life to her unborn child. But there is a more important step: she needs to come to know Christ, the Creator and sustainer of all life, and the Giver of eternal life. We must persuade our society that God is pro-life, that He wants us to have children, and that children are one of the greatest blessings and gifts one can ever experience.
Thanks for listening. May the God who is the Creator and sustainer of all life, bless you this day in a mighty way.
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