We have just had a presidential election in America and whether you realize it or not elections have doctrinal implications. I would like to weigh in on those. To put it differently, what might God think of the election? Now I claim no ability to answer that question but there is a lot of Scripture that applies here.
First, let’s begin with the response of the losers. They are hysterical. MSNBC talking heads can’t stop jabbering about how stupid Americans are. Or what racist, sexist, misogynist bigots they are. Their anger and bitterness are off the charts. Why? Because they do not believe in God. For the American Progressive Left government has taken the place of God. And when you lose the government it is as though your god has forsaken you. The Bible warns of this repeatedly. The most famous verse is the one quoted by Martin Luther. In Psalm 146 we are told, “Put not thy trust in princes…in whom there is no salvation.” Government will inevitably let you down. Better to trust in the true and sovereign God who rules the universe.
Second, the election shows the continuing power of Christian culture even in a nation where many have abandoned formal commitment to the Christian faith. A Fox News network talking head said this election proves people want to be treated as individuals not as members of an identity group. This is very Christian. Christianity—as opposed to Marxist Progressivism--stresses each individual’s unique relationship with God. Most voters view themselves as God does—as individuals. God doesn’t look at us through the lens of tribal or group identity. I used to have my students at the University of Colorado read the Gospel of Luke and I would quiz them on it. One of my true-false questions was, “The parable of the Good Samaritan is intended by Jesus to teach diversity.” And that is absolutely true. His Jewish audience hated the Samaritans but God is saying to them that He views each person individually. A Samaritan can be in the Kingdom of God while many Jews are not. This is the opposite of the Marxist view of human beings which says the most important thing about you is your group. And the majority of American votes agree with the biblical doctrine.
Third, we saw the triumph of another biblical truth. In Genesis we read that God made men to be men and women to be women and this was affirmed in the election. The Trump campaign ran hundreds of ads challenging transgender ideology. They argued that men should not compete in women’s sports or be in women’s bathrooms. The American people agree. A number of commentators noted that this was a more important issue for women than abortion.
Fourth, along the same line the voters affirmed the biblical view of masculinity. Being a man is not an evil thing, patriarchy can be a great blessing, men were made to be men by Almighty God. He wants us to assume the role of Leader, Provider, and protector. Men can misuse their masculinity just like sinful humans—men and women—misuse everything else. But masculinity itself is a good thing, created by God, who chose for Himself the masculine pronoun, Father, to communicate with us who He is.
Fifth, the voters affirmed the biblical teaching that truth is objective. The post-modern argument that reality—like sexuality—is a social construct took a severe beating Tuesday. Christians argue for the objectivity of truth because of the existence of God. He is light and in Him is no darkness at all. And that light exists no matter how much media try to deny it. The attempt on the part of the traditional media to invent narratives that simply did not exist was a big part of their undoing on Tuesday.
Sixth, I am reminded that whoever becomes president is not remotely the most important thing going on in my life or even the life of the nation. God is at work in myriad ways most of which we cannot even see. That’s what matters in America and everywhere else. What is God doing, not what is the government doing. Scripture is respectful of government but not worshipful.
Let me make a couple of concluding remarks. Will the Left change? Not likely. Because being a Marxist Progressive is not a political position that can be changed when circumstances change. It’s a religion. I am an Evangelical follower of Jesus Christ. If my candidate loses I do not then become an atheist. I don’t switch religions. I double down on my faith and move on. That’s what I predict the Left will do.
America has two dominant religions. Christianity in its many forms and Marxist Progressivism. This battle will continue. It will continue until the Marxists are finally vanquished by the power of God.
If your candidate lost Tuesday do not despair. God is still in control and He has purposes for the incoming administration we know not of. If your candidate won don’t get carried away. No human government is capable of bringing in a heavenly, millennial kingdom. For that we await the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
More: Why Are Young Men Returning to Church? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M_uTN-LylA
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